Featured Plans For Canton , Texas

Plan Details
X- 24 Month Fixed Price
- $100 Monthly Bill Credit when your usage is at least 1000 kWh
- Low Cancellation Fee ($20/month remaining)
$20 per remaining month
(500 kWh)
(1000 kWh)
(2000 kWh)

Plan Details
X• A Usage Credit of $125 will be included for each billing cycle when your usage is 1000 kWh or above
• Please review the EFL details to determine your price calculation for additional usage levels
• 100% Green
(500 kWh)
(1000 kWh)
(2000 kWh)
Featured Plans For Canton, Texas

Plan Details
X- 24 Month Fixed Price
- $100 Monthly Bill Credit when your usage is at least 1000 kWh
- Low Cancellation Fee ($20/month remaining)
$20 per remaining month
(500 kWh)
(1000 kWh)
(2000 kWh)

Plan Details
X• A Usage Credit of $125 will be included for each billing cycle when your usage is 1000 kWh or above
• Please review the EFL details to determine your price calculation for additional usage levels
• 100% Green
(500 kWh)
(1000 kWh)
(2000 kWh)
Plan Details
- 24 Month Fixed Price
- $100 Monthly Bill Credit when your usage is at least 1000 kWh
- Low Cancellation Fee ($20/month remaining)
$20 per remaining month
(500 kWh)
(1000 kWh)
(2000 kWh)
Plan Details
• A Usage Credit of $125 will be included for each billing cycle when your usage is 1000 kWh or above
• Please review the EFL details to determine your price calculation for additional usage levels
• 100% Green
(500 kWh)
(1000 kWh)
(2000 kWh)
Plan Details
Base Charge: $9.95
Monthly Bill Credit: $30 for each billing cycle with usage of at least 800 kWh
Cancelation fee$150
(500 kWh)
(1000 kWh)
(2000 kWh)